Very worth it

We left the city at 4am last Wednesday.  E drove the 1060 kilometres in a rented van packed with me, our three kids, our son’s girlfriend, their ski gear and a thermos of coffee. Middle son plugged in his iPod and with an eclectic 400 song playlist, kept us alert and entertained.

We pulled into this mountain resort fourteen hours later. It was -38 as we unloaded our luggage into our rented 4 bedroom two story condo. It was the beginning of the first vacation (non island) that we have taken together as a family in six years. These days it is rare that we are all together for two meals in a year let alone six solid days together on the road..

There has been awesome snowboarding for some, spa days for others. There have been cozy chats by the fire, pub lunches, pub dinners and amazing scenery. All of this before we got to the reason for our trip.

The reason? Last night our niece married her sweetie. Eighty of us made the trek to witness their personally written vows. There were guests from Ontario, Alberta, BC and Australia.. It’s a testament to how strong the two families stand behind these two young people that we all took the trouble to be here for them. The speeches were brief and heartfelt, the dinner delicious and the dancing went long into the night..

We head back early in the morning. To say this week has been tremendous is an understatement. We are so very thrilled for our niece as she begins this new chapter in her life. And of course, so grateful her choice of wedding venue afforded us all this opportunity to be together as a family…It was a lot of trouble to get here, but so

Very worth it

12 thoughts on “Very worth it

  1. Wow- what a great family holiday. Seeing your pictures on Facebook, I was wondering about the “why”. Safe travels home. The rains are coming and so the snow will be melting.


  2. Wow- what a great family holiday. Seeing your pictures on Facebook, I was wondering about the “why”. Safe travels home. The rains are coming and so the snow will be melting.


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