a booster seat

tinman 021     I was going to bring the family boat back with us today but we changed plans and opted instead for my first lesson driving the Tinman.  When we moved here two years ago I couldn’t drive a standard car let alone a boat.  It was a challenging trip with the wind. I needed some help getting out of BH and again docking in PC. But as for the bumping up and down and flying across whitecaps with the spray across the windshield. I did pretty all right. We aren’t on the bottom of the ocean so that’s speaks volumes.

My  project dreams have become somewhat scaled back for the boys visit. E has to have more tests at the hospital and can’t have his day surgery until those results are in.. We are in a holding pattern until after the long weekend and it seems optimistic to be planning a big project.

We bought four new round posts for the gate area of the garden, two trellises for the climbing roses and two bags of cement.. The rest of the posts are in good condition and there is no reason to change to square posts… (says the guy who would have to dig the holes).

Between fixing the gate, chopping firewood and burying the wires for the pathway lighting there should be lots of opportunity for the boys to help us out. We just aren’t in a position to plan something big when in the middle of it we might have to zip to the hospital…. and so we coast….

I have fun jobs to do in the garden today as most of the heavy-duty weeding is finished. Yesterday I bought some seed geraniums 24 for a dollar a piece which need to be potted up and some Yukon Gold seed potatoes. PR gave me some red onion seed sets too.. Lots to do up there. I don’t know why I am sitting inside.

It is disappointing to me that we are coming up  to our second anniversary here and I still don’t know how to drive our own boat. I knew when we bought it that it was going to be a challenge.. Visibility is limited due to my being height challenged. Driving the family boat is a breeze in comparison. Today I drove on my tippy toes. I am going to either have to get a stool to stand on

or a booster seat

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