I be offended?

I have been able to get some pretty good ideas from the various Facebook gardening groups I have joined over the years. The blogs I follow, too, have given me some useful tips. Often I pass them on to you after first trying them in my garden, like I did with the suggestion of watering vegies through the abs pipes.

This week I was given a digital thermometer for the greenhouse, which I had seen used in a greenhouse on a vlog. It is really cool to now sit in the living room and be able to monitor the temperature and relative humidity in the greenhouse. There is the ability to monitor the historical temperatures too. I don’t think it cost very much (40.00) but could be really useful going forward to track the temperature highs and lows as we move through the seasons. Apparently, I am easily amused.

We had our grandson here for the last two weeks, so very little was accomplished other than watching the tomatoes grow in the greenhouse and lamenting the lack of progress of my squashes and cucumbers. I ended up bringing them back down to the house on the heat mat and that seems to be helping them along.

We had our annual visit to the transplant clinic in Vancouver last week and I am happy to report that E sailed through all of the testing and we have returned to the island with a clean bill of health. 2023 is thankfully in the past!

He is progressing as well as can be expected with the roofing on his workshop, considering a two year old was running around his feet. I would imagine things shall go fairly quickly over the next couple of months as we concentrate all of our efforts on getting some major chores knocked of the urgent list.

I have to tell you about this really fun squash I am going to try to grow this year. I heard about it from one of my favorite gardening blogs (Jacques in the Garden). The Tromboncino is like a zucchini but instead of all the seeds you would find in a typical zucchini there are only seeds in the very blossom tip. Aside from looking like so much fun to grow, it is also supposed to be delicious. Again, I am easily amused.

So you know how Facebook suggests groups for you based on their perception of your interests, based on your searches? Today, while I was reading the posts on a vegetable gardening Facebook group I received this notification of a group that “they” thought would be of interest.

Is it just me or should

I be offended?

10 thoughts on “I be offended?

  1. Dull womens club?? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh my that made me laugh!

    Also those squashes look like SO MUCH FUN! i think I am easily amused too! Your green house looks amazing…so full of life.


  2. So funny about the Dull Women Facebook page. When I was shopping today, a random lady and I started chatting and she mentioned how much she loved th


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