Mom, miss you

“I told your neighbours what is going on with E”. Mom said to me as I came in at ten pm. Mom had been watching the kids all night while I had stayed with E at St. Paul’s. He had been in the hospital at that point for 16 days with a revolving front door at our house with E’s Dad, my Mom and my friends watching the kids.  “You did what?”  I was kinda short with her. “Why would you do that? They don’t even know us” “Nonsense,” she replied, as if she knew better, as she often did “You have lived next door to them for seven years!. They are lovely people and were very kind and concerned. They said if you needed anything they would be happy to help.”  She waved and headed out the door. I just turned around and groaned…

This week we had the pleasure of those same neighbours visit us here for a couple of nights. We were entertained by the eagles, and a dinner at our new island neighbours. We caught a few, not a lot of spot prawns, walked the island, drank several bottles of wine, laughed and spicy farkled. (it’s a game). All in all, a lovely visit with two people who did eventually become great friends, despite the antics of our teenagers and their friends.

While our friends were here, he and E finished splitting the wood we had waiting for the shed. All arbutus, pure gold.. It will be much appreciated during the winter of 2020.. We try to let our wood season two if not three years. They also stacked a lot of the lumber left over from the reno project. It will be dry and ready for us when we ever get to building a bunkie.  That is the last tarp gone off a property that was covered in them for eighteen months!!! whoo hooo!

She and I worked in the garden. She weeded until not a blade was out-of-place. I tended to the vegetables. Spinach, beets, peas, lettuce, and sunflowers are all planted. Tomatoes, zucchini and pumpkin are still in the greenhouse. She slaved, I puttered…. It was nice puttering in the garden with someone who loves it as much as I do….She painted me this lovely thank you card while she was here. Isn’t she talented?

So all in all it’s been a lovely week. We are so lucky to have friends who like to help out and participate (work on) the property. We have now known these two for twenty-six years, eighteen of which we have actually been on speaking terms! I have no idea why it took us so long to become friends but as Mother’s often are, mine was right. They are lovely people.

You were always right

Mom, miss you





4 thoughts on “Mom, miss you

    • Thanks Barb… isn’t she? Always amazes me when someone can just sit down and do that!! I don’t think she sells anything.. she just does it for fun:)


  1. What a great story.
    Isn’t it funny that it takes so long to realize how right our Moms were. ❤️😊
    Does that mean our kids will realize that about us someday?? 🤔
    I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow. The “firsts” can be tough.
    XO Wendy.


    • Thanks Wendy. Not sure if my kids ever think of me as being right;). I think I had enough time to tell mine how wrong I had usually been…..hugs


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