Another fifteen years

We go to see the transplant clinic twice per year. This fall, we were there for the results of blood work, more thorough testing will be in the spring. E takes very high doses of harsh drugs which prevent rejection of the new heart. These drugs can cause lots of dangerous side effects much like those horrible drugs on TV. You know like the ones you can take before having a good time with the wife but may cause death…

The biggest risk is to his kidneys… And for E to keep the disease away which caused all the problems in the first place, (Giant Cell Myocarditis)  he has to stay at higher dosage of the drugs than normally prescribed. But (and it’s a big but)           after seventeen years E still shows no signs of ill effects. None.. It was explained to us yesterday that the likelihood of long-term survival at this point is dependent on strong kidney function. Other than a propensity for kidney stones there is nothing else wrong with his kidneys. After seventeen years of these drugs it is rare.

We got home last night just before dark. We caught The 3:15 ferry and got through our door at 7:40 pm… Just before dark.

Today, I am checking the big book of plants with the names of all the plants from Marion to see which ones are deer resistant. Those, I will try to plant on the edges of  driveway before the frosts come. It is an experiment at best because the deer rarely read the same book as me and will often nibble on that which they are not meant to nibble.

It’s pouring rain so planting won’t  happen today. We downloaded the new Louise Penny book while we were in town so I might just have to take the day and read it. Mom said it’s her best yet and didn’t want it to end…!

We are home for the winter and our list of chores is long and getting longer. I’m not concerned,  it will all get done. We have nothing but time.. When E got sick in 99, there were only 63 cases of his disease, most diagnosed in autopsy. His Doctor, experimented with E and not only saved his life but proved the new protocol for treating the disease successfully… Wrote a paper or two about him… His parting words to us yesterday were, “with your strong kidneys, there is no reason not to expect

another fifteen years”

20 thoughts on “Another fifteen years

  1. Good on ya, E. That which didn’t kill ya, DID make you stronger! Most of the bullets I dodge just scare the hell out of me and leave a scar. I’d take 15 more years and be happy to get it.
    It’s the honey-do list that will get you in the end – it’s relentless, untreatable and grows every year. Only chance is regular and heavy intervention of quilting. Introduce dear-one to quilting and you may last thirty.


  2. Good on ya, E. That which didn’t kill ya, DID make you stronger! Most of the bullets I dodge just scare the hell out of me and leave a scar. I’d take 15 more years and be happy to get it.
    It’s the honey-do list that will get you in the end – it’s relentless, untreatable and grows every year. Only chance is regular and heavy intervention of quilting. Introduce dear-one to quilting and you may last thirty.


  3. Good news E!!!
    M’s mother is close to right. I’m not sure it’s the best LP but it’s much better than the last two. (not counting the smug feeling I had at one point in the last one because I had heard of Gerald Bull) I enjoyed this one very much
    Regards to all.


    • Nice to hear from you. Hope you are all well, how are you liking your new surroundings…? Nice to be close to the grand kiddies…..
      Take care, and thanks for checking in…… I’m enjoying the new book so far.. I do like her


  4. Good news E!!!

    M’s mother is close to right. I’m not sure it’s the best LP but it’s much better than the last two. (not counting the smug feeling I had at one point in the last one because I had heard of Gerald Bull) I enjoyed this one very much

    Regards to all.


    • Nice to hear from you. Hope you are all well, how are you liking your new surroundings…? Nice to be close to the grand kiddies…..
      Take care, and thanks for checking in…… I’m enjoying the new book so far.. I do like her


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