early bird special

Coffee shop was held indoors this morning. Eleven of us attended, two were under the age of three. CY is off visiting her daughter so DY had no one to deliver breakfast in bed to…. instead he made peanut butter cookies for coffee shop… yum…

E stayed home and took it easy.. We had a burn pile this afternoon and he had the chainsaw sawing for a bit… He can’t read or watch TV as it bothers his eye but puttering in the fresh air was good for him. I brought out a potato leek soup I had in the freezer thinking it would make a nice comfort food kind of meal… I forgot that he can’t open half his mouth…..Soup as it turned out was the worst meal I could have chosen.

For two days in a row we have forgotten to eat lunch. We then ate dinner at 4 yesterday and today… Coincidentally we were really tired and went to bed before nine on both nights. With no one around to witness our behavior, meal times, bed times and even clothing choices have run amok…. It’s 4:23 and again I am already in my pjs. Don’t tell anyone but we are terrified that we have morphed into Floridian Snowbirds.    I fear we may have grown addicted to the

early bird special

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