Our back pocket

We raised our six kids together. (3 each) I think we met when our middle sons started tyke hockey. The kids all remain good friends today.

For years, we sat beside each other in hockey rinks and at baseball diamonds. We drove our kids to parties and saw them safely home. We watched them graduate from high school and become beautiful men and women. (inside and out) We share in each others family pride.

We travelled as a group to Mexico twice and crowned our child rearing years together with an unforgettable family weekend in Vegas when those two hockey players turned twenty one.

Through it all and without notice as our parenting evolved so did our friendship. We haven’t seen much of them since our move here. This week they visited for three days. The children weren’t with us for this time together, but as we retold all of the favorite stories it brought the kids to the table as if they were.

We showed them our new home, explored the local waters and introduced them to some of our new friends. The island put on her best dress. Her skies at night were star filled and cloudless throughout the day. Their visit was perfect.

They (and their children) are welcome back any time. Our continued friendship is a secret treasure which we keep tucked away in
our back pocket


8 thoughts on “Our back pocket

  1. Lovely to share the island’s secret world with true friends. We know we have a treasure when they ask like our niece did this week, “Are those lights I see in the sky at night cell towers?” “No, they are stars….”


  2. Lovely to share the island’s secret world with true friends. We know we have a treasure when they ask like our niece did this week, “Are those lights I see in the sky at night cell towers?” “No, they are stars….”


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